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In 2007 I made the decision to attend National K9 school for dog trainings, not knowing that this practical based decision would spark a fiery passion. The education I received jump started a career that I never imagined I would deeply enjoy. Since attending NK9, I’ve committed to continuing my education by attending conferences yearly. This deep thirst for knowledge and broadening my skill set has allowed me to work with some of the world's top professionals, learning from trainers such as the Monks of New Skete, Mark Goldberg, Wendy Volhard, Marc McCabe, Jeff and Kelly Schettler, Scott Mueller, Cyndy Douan, Victoria Warfel, and Pat Stuart. The topics of these conferences covered everything from assistance work to trailing, and included every conceivable training tool. I prefer to take a holistic approach to training, address physical issues at the root of behavioral problems. I firmly believe a one size fits all training approach doesn’t work for most people and it definitely doesn’t do their dog’s justice. Every dog deserves a happy owner and every owner deserves a happy dog. I’m honored to guide my clients through their own individual training journey. Running a company solo can be tough, but I’ve been lucky to have the best canine partners to help make my business a success. See those partners below.
Loki is the best little training buddy. His happy bouncy attitude helps to train puppies and adult dogs alike. His sweet disposition helps nervous dogs settle in and understand that there’s nothing to worry about. His most valuable asset is that hypoallergenic coat which helps me serve clients who need a low allergen dog to attend lessons. He also helps promote his wonderful breed as a well balanced ambassador for poodles everywhere.


Lincoln had big shoes to fill when he took over for Nero. He managed to step up to the plate big time. He shows prospective, new clients the ropes by demonstrating new techniques and then helping clients work on their skills so that they can better help their dogs learn. He is so patient with owners as they make mistakes and sort through the challenge of dog training. This stud muffin loves his job.

Copper was the dog who started my training journey. He was a rescue separated from his mother earlier than is healthy, and sent into the hands of a young naive girl who just wanted to love her puppy. My own failings taught me what not to do with a dog, and I’ve been trying to help clients avoid those mistakes ever since. My journey rehabbing this scared, under confident dog gave me a unique insight that helps me better serve my clients. We attended National K9 together when Copper was 3. He was the oldest in his class and gave me quite the hard time while we were there. But we both came out the other side better for it. We spent 15 years together learning and growing every day. I will always miss his sweet face running to me across a field.

Nero was the first dog I hand picked from a litter of beautiful puppies. He was the first dog I raised right, and shaped into a confident, social and reliable partner. The bond we shared was deeper than any I can imagine. He helped me grow as a trainer but more as a person. His steady attitude and patience helped me train countless dogs in both Georgia and Ohio. He was by my side for 11.5 blissful years. My heart will never be whole without him.
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